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Uncomprahgre Peak

Sat Jul 28 2018

Nate on the way up to Uncompahgre.

We met my friends Mike and Walter in Lake City the night before and arranged to meet early to ride up to the upper trailhead for a hike to Uncompahgre.  

Uncompahgre is the 6th highest 14er in Colorado and the 10th highest point in the lower 48.  

We were riding with Mike in his high clearance vehicle but couldn't locate their campsite due to some miscommunication.  We started walking up the road and then hitched with some others to make it to the trailhead.

Mike and Walter arrived right after us and we started out.   The trailhead is at approximately 11,400 feet and the the peak is 14,309 feet.

Although only 2900 feet in gain and 3.5 miles each way, the hike proved pretty challenging.   The views from the top were amazing!

A view from the summit of Uncompahgre.

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