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Gore Mountain

Sat Apr 04 2020

Looking out near the summit.

Daryn and I drove up to North Creek to climb Gore Mt. via the Schaefer Trail.   We were the only car in the parking area when we started up at 8:30 am.

The climb next to the Roaring Brook was a great section of the trail.  Tons of waterfalls and cascades.

The section of trail after the dam, was brutal.  Lots of snow and water and post-holing.  When we finally intersected the ski slopes we just turned and went up the ski slope which was much easier to walk on.

Beautiful views on the top.  Everything was abandoned due to the COVID-19 situation.

A few people on the very bottom of the mountain on our return down but had the top of the mountain all to ourselves.

Waterfall on the Schaefer Trail

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